2008 – Design and construction of a flood mitigation dam on the North Para River, using high-paste RCC

Jerome Argue, Steven Slarke, Douglas Rudd

Abstract: The North Para River Flood Control Dam is an integral part of the works proposed to manage flood risk in the Gawler River, north of Adelaide. Undertaken by the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority (GRFMA), an authority representing the six local Councils in the area, the flood storage is located on the North Para River, about 10 kms north of Gawler. Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) was selected for the construction material, based on an assessment of the geotechnical and geological site conditions, together with advantages of reduced cost, time and structure required to pass design flood events. With an overall project cost of $16.1 million, the dam was constructed on time and well within pre-tender budget estimates.

Keywords: flood mitigation, roller compacted concrete, North Para River, construction.

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