2004 – Clare Weir Fishway Upgrade

Errol Beitz

Clare Weir, completed in 1978, is situated on the Burdekin River some 50 kms from the mouth near Ayr in North Queensland.

A fish ladder was built on the right bank as part of the original construction but observations of the fishway’s performance over a number of years and more recently by the Queensland Fisheries Service (QFS) have established that the fishway is not functioning as well as had been expected. Sampling upstream of the weir has shown a distinct reduction in both fish numbers and fish species.

Since 1997, a number of studies have been undertaken to examine options for improving the fishway performance. The outcome of the studies concluded that the installation of a fish lock clearly represented the best means of improving fish transfer performance at the weir.

This paper presents the various options investigated and outlines how the new fish lock will be integrated into the existing weir structure.

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